Newsletter: June, 2024

A Word from Our Executive Director: Community Engagement
Dear New Hope Midcoast Supporters,
New Hope Midcoast is here for – and because of – our amazing Midcoast Maine communities. We are currently seeking to involve more of you in our work at all levels and hope that you will consider joining us in one or more of several ways:
- Serve on Our Board of Directors as we expand and diversify this committed group. If you have an interest in a client-centered response to domestic abuse and to ensuring that all midcoast Maine residents impacted by domestic abuse receive non-judgmental, trauma-informed, comprehensive supports, and have access to the resources they need, please consider joining our board. We welcome and serve individuals of all genders, sexual orientations, and other identities. Click here for our application.
- Volunteer on our 24/7 helpline, or by assisting at events, with mailings, and with other important tasks in our four-county service area. We welcome hearing from you! Click here for our volunteer application.
- Host a Fundraiser at your business or home. From polar plunges to cocktail parties, to a percentage of proceeds from a business event, to collections from employees, and members of civic organizations, teams, and faith-based organizations, we appreciate it when our communities take a role in helping to end domestic abuse! Click here to read more.
- Intern with us to merge your interests with our current needs. Internships are a great way to fulfill college requirements and/or to serve your communities. Click here to learn more.
Thank you all for considering these options, and please read on to learn more about upcoming events like Shop for Hope and the continuation of our annual speaker series. Our advocates are on the ground daily working to improve knowledge of – and access to – victim services while educating and raising awareness about domestic abuse.
Rebekah Paredes, Executive Director

Shop for Hope 2024: VIP Tickets Are on Sale Starting June 10!
It’s nearly time for our annual boutique sale of new and gently used clothing and accessories from July 11-13 at the Flanagan Community Center located at 61 Limerock Street in Rockland. This year’s sale features an amazing selection for the whole family with prices that will keep you coming back! Contributing boutiques and designers include: Barefoot in Denim, Black Parrot, Blue Jay Baby Boutique, Citizen Maine Home, Coyote Moon, EILEEN FISHER, Jill McGowan, Joy Susan, Katwalk, Leonard’s, Liberty Graphics, Maine Alpaca Experience, Maine Sport Outfitters, Motif’s, Pitter Patter, Inc, Puffin’s Nest – Rockland, Tori Anna Designs, Toad & Co., and ZOMAR Showroom.
Community Shopping Days from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, July 12 and 13 are free and open to the public. VIP Night for best selection requires tickets and is 5:00-7:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 11 and includes a selection of locally-made savory hors d’oeuvres from Earth Flow and Fire/Earth Candy, Graffam’s Seafood Market, and Thomaston Grocery. We’ll have a delightful selection of Cellardoor wines, and reusable shopping bags with locally-produced goodies. Tickets are required for VIP Night only.
Click here to learn more about this fabulous sale and to buy VIP tickets. We are collecting new and gently used high quality clothing for all genders, seasons and sizes, and accessories including jewelry, bags, scarves, hats, mittens and shoes (nearly new if used) through July 3rd. To volunteer at this event, contact Joan at (207) 691.5969 or to hear about available shifts. Thank you!
A very warm and special thanks to our 2024 Shop for Hope sponsors:
Allen Insurance & Financial, CedarWorks, Colby & Gale, Dead River Company, Eastern Tire & Auto Service, Edward Jones, Ken Gardiner – Camden, First National Bank (Platinum Sponsor), Frantz Furniture, The Grasshopper Shop of Rockland, HM Payson, Heidi Steele®, Maine State Credit Union, Maritime Energy, Morgan Stanley, Mark Leighton - Portland, North Atlantic Painting & Builders, Rockport Automotive, Rockport Steel, 2a architects, and Viking Lumber, Inc.

Residential Services: A Story of Continued Success
From the October 1 (the start of our fiscal year) through April 30, 2024, our residential team sheltered 86 clients for a total of 1,464 nights. This included 51 adults and 35 children. Ninety clients, including 30 adults and 60 children, received Transitional Housing Services with stays for up to two years. Throughout their stay, survivors and families work with case managers to achieve long-term safety and stability. Click here for more information about transitional housing.

- Roundtable Discussions: Our Community Prevention and Youth Educators recently facilitated Roundtables in Bath and Belfast that raised awareness about domestic abuse while providing an opportunity to learn, share, network, and make plans about this important issue. Topics included education regarding domestic abuse, myths, advocacy in rural areas, and the impact of domestic abuse in our local areas. Attendees in both locations had a lively discussions about the impact of domestic abuse on survivors in rural communities, and connected with fellow community members with a passion for addressing domestic abuse. Thank you so much to Patten Free Library and Belfast Free Library for the use of their beautiful meeting spaces. We look forward to offering similar opportunities in the future!
- Annual Speaker Series: Join us from 4:00-5:30 p.m. September 25 in Rockland and September 26 in Boothbay for a presentation and discussion with Xavier Guadalupe-Díaz, Ph.D. Professor of Sociology and Criminology at Framingham State University. Professor Guadalupe-Diáz currently focuses on violence within LGBTQ+ communities with a focus on transgender victimization. Stay tune for more information and to sign up for this free event.

Legal Advocacy
- Training: Advocates Katie and Shelley attended the 24th Annual International Family Justice Center Conference in San Diego, California. Attendees included advocates, medical professionals, law enforcement and criminal justice representatives. Entitled “The Power of We,” the collaborative theme was evident in both the seminars and at the local Family Justice Center (FJC) we toured following a full first day.
Family Justice Centers bring resources to a centralized location, making it easier for survivors of domestic abuse to access services. The FJC our advocates toured housed a medical clinic for forensic exams, a counseling center, local law enforcement offices, shower facilities, childcare, District Attorney personnel, and career resources. A plan for a thirty-bed shelter with animal kennel is also in the planning stages.
The three-day conference skillfully intertwined difficult stories and topics with the positive and uplifting energy of 700+ attendees. High profile policy makers like Rosie Hidalgo, Director of the Office of Violence Against Women, spoke. Gabby Petito’s parents represented their daughter who was killed by her fiancé in August, 2021. Several survivors spoke of their personal experiences. Discussion regarding strangulation, a frequently-used and potentially lethal tactic employed by domestic abusers, revealed that abusers who strangle their victims are 750% more likely to eventually kill them.
New Hope Midcoast trained advocates are especially resourceful and skillful in securing services that allow victims to move forward with establishing a safe and secure life. Our 24/7 helpline is always available at 1.800.344.5502.
- Midcoast Coordinated Community Response Team: This quarterly meeting with nearly 40 attendees works to enhance domestic abuse services through presentations that support local community collaboration. Attendees included law enforcement, healthcare professionals, the Department of Health and Human Services, Sexual Assault and Support Services of Midcoast Maine (SASSMM), and the prosecutor’s office.
- Nonfatal Strangulation Training: The Boothbay Harbor Police Chief completed this training so that he can join our training team, along with an Advocate and a Forensic Nurse. We are currently working to establish training protocols for our community partners.

Survivor Matching Tribute Challenge
Domestic abuse is most effectively addressed through a carefully curated and coordinated community response. Community commitment can create a more just and peaceful society that will not tolerate abuse. That’s why this spring’s matching challenge invited donors to recognize someone that gives back to their communities. These are the people that selflessly give and who think about the far-reaching impact of social injustice. Together we raised $48,000+ to benefit victims of domestic abuse.
Thank you to everyone who participated.
We are always so amazed and grateful to know that you are with us in our work!

Community of Hope Columns
Have you seen our monthly news columns on issues related to domestic abuse? Click on the titles below to view our three most recent articles:
- "Keeping Pets Safe, Too" By: Josephine Harriman, LSW, DV-CPS Liaison and Advocate
- “Economic Abuse: Do Not Pass Go” by Hillary Waterman, Community Prevention Educator
- "Impacts of Abuse on Mental Health" by Lori Rodriguez, Education and Outreach Director