We offer free presentations to grades K-12 that are age appropriate. Presentations for grades K-5 involve discussions that revolve around safety and respect within relationships, and presentations for grades 6-12 build upon this foundational information to discuss various aspects of teen dating violence in a safe and respectful space. We also draw connections for students between domestic abuse and societal norms that foster a culture of violence and oppression.
School Presentations
Teachers, Camp Counselors, Youth Leaders: Domestic Abuse Foundations
This foundational training is designed to provide an introduction to domestic abuse and dating violence, and how these may impact your students. Participants will gain tools to better support students experiencing abuse and violence.
A Window Between Worlds (AWBW): Art Workshops
These guided workshops can be tailored to students at different grade levels or geared toward faculty. The goal of each workshop is to create a safe, inclusive space where people can use art to explore emotions and a variety of topics. The creations do not require artistic ability, only a willingness to participate. We operate from the principle “being present is participating.” AWBW is built around research that demonstrates that creating art by hand has been shown to reduce distress, increase self-reflection and self-awareness, alter behavior and thinking patterns, and build resilience.” For more information, visit AWBW.org.
Virtual Support Groups
Our skilled facilitators offer support groups for students affected by domestic abuse. Group support is a powerful tool to promote healing and to counter feelings of isolation and confusion that victim-survivors often experience.
Consultation & Support
New Hope Midcoast advocates are always available to offer consultation and support to students and staff. Currently, such sessions can occur via phone or Zoom.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if staff at your school or organization are facing concerns—we would be happy to consult on the following scenarios and more:
- A student or parent/guardian is experiencing abuse and staff would like to discuss resources or strategies for supporting them
- A student would like to speak with an advocate with or without a familiar adult present
- A student has a protection from abuse order against another student and the victim-survivor needs emotional support, safety planning, or court support.
Please note that all of New Hope Midcoast’s Advocates are mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect. We are still available to support youth, and would be happy to explain our duty to report with students, teachers, and staff.
Our helpline is available 24/7.
For book and website recommendations, please visit our resource page.
New Hope Midcoast Locations
We offer 3 onsite locations serving Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox, and Waldo counties in Maine.
New Hope Midcoast
P.O. Box A, Rockland, Maine 04841
24/7 Helpline Midcoast Maine 1-800-522-3304
24/7 Statewide Helpline