Annual Report 2024

Letter from the Executive Director
Dear New Hope Midcoast Community,
Welcoming a new year gives us the chance to pause and reflect on recent accomplishments and unveil new opportunities to support Midcoast Maine victim survivors of domestic abuse, dating violence, and stalking. Over the last few years, we have seen many changes at New Hope Midcoast including a rebranding, shifts to accommodate survivors at the height of the pandemic, and responses to an uncertain economy and increased inflation. In 2024, we began implementing a Strategic Plan that will guide our work over the next few years and into the future.
In 2025 we will implement the following to better support victims of domestic abuse:
- Launch the Law Enforcement Advocacy Program In partnership with the Waldo and Knox County Sheriff’s Offices. This collaborative effort will combine law enforcement resources and domestic violence advocacy to enhance survivor safety, ensure robust accountability for abusers, and provide timely assistance to victims in Waldo and Knox Counties. Through this program, we will seek to integrate comprehensive support services and proactive intervention strategies designed to meet the specific needs of rural communities.1
- Support families with rental assistance through several funding sources including the Office on Violence Against Women and MaineHousing.
- Secure several dedicated hotel rooms to temporarily shelter victims, and to provide assistance with security deposits through MaineHousing funding as resources allow.
As always, we are grateful to serve the Midcoast Maine Community. We are heartened by our collaborations with like-minded organizations, and ever-amazed at the relentless work and resourcefulness of our trained advocates.
I invite to you to follow along with us by connecting with our staff, subscribing to our newsletter at newhopemidcoast.org, or attending one of our events. Until then, I’m pleased to share some of the progress we’ve made as we strive to reach our strategic plan goals.
With gratitude,
1This Services, Training, Officers, and Prosecutors (STOP) grant allows us to combine law enforcement resources and the expertise of domestic violence advocacy to respond effectively to incidences of domestic violence. We will also further our prevention and community education offerings to ensure a safer and more informed environment for Waldo and Knox County residents.
Strategic Priorities
“A life free of violence and abuse is something that every single person has a fundamental right and entitlement to.”
New Hope Midcoast believes that the misuse of power to demean or control others fosters oppression and violence. This manifests itself as racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, religious bigotry, domestic abuse, and other forms of violence. A just and peaceful society must commit itself to confronting and overcoming all forms of oppression and violence. At New Hope Midcoast, we are working to build a culture where abuse will not be tolerated.
Our Strategic Plan provides a framework for putting our mission and values into action. It highlights five strategic priorities listed below. Click on the plus sign (+) beside each priority below to see what we have already accomplished during our first year of working on this new plan.
Please click on the arrow below to view our recently-produced, five-minute film about our services and collaborations.
Revenue and Expenses FY24
Our fiscal year runs October 1 – September 30
(Click on each of the pie pieces below to see further information)
Services Data FY21-24
Emergency Shelter Nights: Total Served
This graph represents the total number of shelter nights provided to both adults and children. Due to safety needs, clients may stay multiple nights.
* While the need remained high, our capacity to house victims was affected by hotel availability and access to funds.
Emergency Shelter Nights: Adults Served
Emergency Shelter Nights: Children Served
Volunteers: Indirect Service
Includes office work and assistance with events, mailings and fundraisers.
Volunteer Hours: Indirect Service
New Hope Midcoast Locations
We offer 3 onsite locations serving Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox, and Waldo counties in Maine.
New Hope Midcoast
P.O. Box A, Rockland, Maine 04841
24/7 Helpline Midcoast Maine 1-800-522-3304
24/7 Statewide Helpline