Extending Our Impact

Extending Our Impact: A View from the Top
By: Joan LeMole, Development Director
As the year winds down, our work with individuals affected by domestic abuse continues to positively impact midcoast Maine residents. The influence of this public health crisis filters into all aspects of society. Addressing it requires a multi-prong, coordinated effort.
Our work begins with careful listening that evolves into safety planning, a dynamic and collaborative process between the client and our trained advocates. Victims and concerned others most often initially connect with us through our 24/7 helpline where they can speak with qualified New Hope staff members and volunteers. All staff, volunteers, and interns participate in this extensive training that applies our empowerment model to issues directly related to domestic abuse. During fiscal years 2019-2023, New Hope advocates worked with 5,343 people affected by domestic abuse. One caller commented that the years of domestic abuse were “…a dark time, marked by long stretches of self-isolation, shame, and guilt.” When she did reach out, she felt “heard (and) like her story mattered.” She describes her family’s journey as going from surviving to thriving.
Safety planning includes the option to pursue several different services offered through New Hope Midcoast. Our advocates introduce resources and options and support clients as they make often difficult decisions. One option is the residential services program that includes emergency sheltering and long-term housing through a scattered-site, Housing First model. “Scattered site” means that we work with landlords, hotels, and others in our four-county service area to safely shelter and house clients. Housing in multiple locations may allow clients to stay near their home communities (if safe to do so) where they can continue working and their children can attend the same schools rather than encountering more disruption. The Housing First model means that the first step taken is finding a safe place for clients to live. Once that happens, they can then work with advocates to address other concerns like educational and career planning, repairing credit damage, and obtaining medical and mental health support when needed. During fiscal years 2019-2023, New Hope provided emergency shelter for 411 people and housed 38 different families, including 60 children, through grants that support our residential program.
Our legal advocates provide assistance with a variety of civil matters including Protection from Abuse and Protection from Harassment Orders, and divorce and child custody issues. They may also accompany clients to court. Clients often find the latter to be very comforting and empowering. With a trained advocate by their side, they have someone who knows the system through a combination of training and years of experience. From 2019-2023, New Hope provided legal services for over 2,100 clients and paid more than $125,000 in client legal fees.
In an effort to stop abuse before it begins, our education team deepens public knowledge about domestic abuse while supporting professionals and concerned others. Education empowers our communities. Youth educators offer age-appropriate programs for schools in our four-county service area, while community and prevention advocates provide licensure-required workshops for mental health professionals, give informational presentations to area faith and civic groups, and deliver tailored training for businesses. During the 2019-2023 fiscal years, New Hope advocates delivered 1,184 presentations for over 20,000 youth and 185+ trainings to assist professionals in effectively and consistently responding to domestic abuse. As we consider our plans for 2025, we look forward to strengthening our network of local organizations who support survivors and work to end domestic violence, continuing our mission to build a community of trust and hope in midcoast Maine. Visit newhopemidcoast.org/about/services-financial-info to see our FY24 data.
New Hope Midcoast believes that a life free from abuse is a basic human right. If you or someone you know is being impacted by domestic abuse, call our 24/7 helpline at 1-800-522-3304 or visit newhopemidcoast.org.