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Help Give Hope for All

Everyone can play a role
in ending domestic abuse.
YOU can support us with your votes!

To Vote: Scan the QR code to the left
or visit https://wwwneighborhoodassist.com.

State Farm Neighborhood Assist®

Domestic abuse affects everyone in a community, not just individuals. All of us can play a role in supporting survivors and in building a future where everyone is safe, healthy, and lives free of fear. This is your opportunity to join this effort.

New Hope Midcoast is the only domestic violence resource center in Maine to become a State Farm Neighborhood Assistance grant finalist! This means that we are one of 4,000 applicants that made it to the top 200! The winners will be determined by the number of votes cast from April 27 – May 6.

YOU can assist us by voting! Here’s how:

Click on this link that goes directly to our voting page:
Scan the QR code above

Each email address has 10 votes per day. Use your votes daily to benefit several deserving nonprofits or all 10 daily to support New Hope Midcoast. If New Hope Midcoast receives enough votes, State Farm will donate $25,000 to continue this important work. That means that you can help provide emergency sheltering or legal assistance for survivors. You can help specially trained advocates bring critical education to schools, community groups, businesses and healthcare providers.

It takes only minutes to cast your votes and inspire your friends and family to do the same.

Thank you very much!!!

New Hope Midcoast Locations

We offer 3 onsite locations serving Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox, and Waldo counties in Maine.

New Hope Midcoast
P.O. Box A, Rockland, Maine 04841


24/7 Helpline Midcoast Maine 1-800-522-3304

24/7 Statewide Helpline